our teachers


Val Dostalek

Award-winning Val Dostalek is an architectural photographer with extensive experience in both commercial and residential work. He utilizes his artistic imagination to create genuine images that speak through the essence of the environment, composition, lighting, color, and style.

He has been taking pictures of artwork for artists to build their portfolios and catalogs for many years. He has also created websites for various institutions.

Val enjoys sharing with people the knowledge he’s acquired on different subjects.  www.valdostalek.com


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Jana KENNEY is an independent French artist and art teacher from the Czech Republic. After earning her M.A. Degree in Ceramics at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, she immigrated to France, and established the Artaim Studio and Gallery in central Paris. She has been teaching since 1990 and her ceramics have been exhibited in many countries including Japan and Korea. After her successful seventeen-year career in Paris and two years of work in Hawaii in JBK Studio in Kailua, she moved to San Diego, California to pursue her artistic vision. WWW.janaKENNEYCERAMIcS.com